Kamis, 13 Oktober 2011

Only In Indonesia

vehicle is one of human's greatest invention . manusia menciptakan kendaraan untuk mempermudah
berpindah dari satu tempat ke tempat yang lain . Right ?? tapi bagaimana jika malah menyusahkan kita
?? .seperti pada gambar berikut ?? 


pictures taken around Brawijaya University

haaaaaaaa ?? kita harus menuntun kendaraan kita sepanjang jalan lebih kurang 500 meter . loh ko' bisa
? playgroup , Ya playgroup ,di samping jalan tersebut terdapat sebuah playgroup ( atau tempat arisan -
orang banyakan ibunya dari pada anaknya )  dan demi keamanan kita tidak boleh menunggangi
menaiki kendaraan kita . -,- .

untunglah yang membawa motor , coba kalo mobil , masa iya harus turun dari mobil trus harus 
dorong dari belakang gitu apa mau di gotong rame-rame ?? , kalo truck juga gimana ?? 

but this is very funny. isn't it ? uniqueness of our country Indonesia that could not be found elsewhere . only in Indonesia

Sabtu, 08 Oktober 2011

The Love Letter

setelah mengenal mata kuliah Introduction To Literature , dan Extensive Reading ,mau ga mau harus memaksakan diri membaca ( derita anak Sastra ) , it's very hard for people who doesn't like reading , right ?? just like me , But dari situlah saya membiasakan membaca setiap hari ( meskipun cuma 5menit :P) and starting to love reading .

and I found a poem that I think is very awesome , the tittle is The Love Letter 

The Love Letter 

The great love i said i have for you 
is gone, and i find my dislike for you 
increase everyday . When I see you,
I do not even like the way you look
the one thing I want to do is to
look the other way. I never wanted
to marry you. Our last conversation
was very dull and in no way has
made me anxious to see you again.
You think only of your self.
if we were married, I know that I would find
life very difficult, and I would have no 
pleasure in living with you. I have a heart
to give , but it is not a heart 
I want to give to you . No one is more
demanding or selfish than you , and less 
able to care for me and be of help to me.
I sincerely want you to understand that
I speak the truth .You will do me a favor
if you consider this end. Do not try
to answer this. Your letters are full of
things that do not interest me. You have no
true concern for me. Good-bye ! Believe me,
I do not care for you . Please do not think
I am still your loving friend

I believe , you wonder why it's called a love letter?isn't it ?? but tried to read in its bounding ( read 1 line and skip the following line 1,3,5 ) and see the difference :D